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Campus Security

A Message about Campus Security from our Dean of Student Life

-Joe Carey


Union Bible College is committed to providing a friendly and safe environment in which to live and learn. Our campus is located in Westfield, Indiana, a small town just north of Indianapolis. Westfield has a small town atmosphere while being close to many big city services and also many ministry opportunities in the Indianapolis area. Our campus community has been an integral part of Westfield since 1861 when Union High was founded by the Friends Church.


Security is important on our campus. However, since Westfield to date has not been a high crime area we have enjoyed a measure of safety without sophisticated electronic measures. Our two main buildings do have alarm systems, all our main buildings have fire alarms, all of which are connected to an offsite monitoring company. Also, access to both dorms is controlled by electronic locks.

Reporting a Crime

Any safety emergencies should be reported directly to 911. Criminal activities and emergencies should also be reported as soon as possible to the Dean of Student Life in person or by telephone. The police and/or security officer will investigate the incident, document the information, and take appropriate action.
Report off-campus crime to the appropriate police department. Inform the Student Life Department of any off-campus incidents so that students and personnel may provide information or warnings to students and personnel.

      2022 Security &

    Fire Safety Report


Clery Crime Report

In accordance with the Clery Act, UBC is required to report all Clery crimes and include them in annual
crime statistics. People who are reporting crimes have the right to be anonymous. Do not include the
person’s name on this report unless they want it to be included. If you have questions regarding this
form, please contact the Dean of Students at 317-671-3340 or


Please fill out each section and hit "submit" before moving on to the next section.

Party Reporting Crime

Thanks for submitting!

Crimes Reported
In the case of sex offenses, hate crimes, VAWA (Violence Against Women Act) offenses, more information is needed. Please complete the appropriate sections. If so, select which offense was committed.
Was this a hate crime?
In the case of a hate crime, select all that apply
Select what category of bias was involved in this incident
Does this incident include a VAWA (Violence Against Woman Act) offense?
If it is a VAWA offense, select the category that applies

Thanks for submitting!

The institution is required to count arrests and referrals for discipline for drug violations, liquor law violations, and weapons violations. If this applies to this incident, please complete the appropriate section.

Referrals for Discipline
Was a Police report filed?

Thanks for submitting!

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