Union Bible College
Scholarship Application
Important: Scholarship applications must be submitted by May 3, 2024. No late submission will be accepted.

Available Scholarships
Jeffrey Allen Buckler Memorial Scholarship
The Jeffrey Allen Buckler Memorial Scholarship (approximately $250 annually) is awarded to
a returning student enrolled in a vocational ministry certificate or degree.
Mary Copeland Memorial Scholarship
The Mary Copeland Memorial Scholarship is awarded to an intercultural or ministerial student. The scholarship ranges between $500-$1,000.
Benjamin L. Crawford Ministerial Scholarship
The Benjamin L. Crawford Ministerial Scholarship is given to a full-time, male, ministerial student enrolled, with the intention of completing a degree program, to be used to supplement textbooks. This is given in the amount of $250 per semester.
Glick Music Scholarship
The Glick Music Scholarship is given to a music student. The scholarship ranges between $500- $1,000.
Glenn Majors Memorial Scholarship
The Glick Music Scholarship is given to a college student. The scholarship is $250.
Diane Key Memorial Scholarship
The Diane Key Memorial Scholarship (approximately $500 annually) is awarded to a second year, BA in Ministry student, who demonstrates a serious interest in pursuing a medical vocational degree.
Buddy Perry Memorial Scholarship
The Buddy Perry Memorial Scholarship (approximately $500 annually) is awarded to a ministerial student with connections to the International Conservative Holiness Association.
SUCCEED Scholarship
The SUCCEED Scholarship (Supporting Undergraduate Christian College Education through Endowment Designation) is designed to raise funds made available to qualifying students in the typical amount of $500 and $1,000 increments. The Succeed scholarship will be given based on funds.
Williams Scholarships
The Williams Scholarships (half tuition/2 consecutive semesters) are given in honor of Rev. Ray & Mrs. Dorothy Schnell Williams whom the Lord used to greatly bless the school during times of tremendous financial burden. The Rev. Ray Williams Memorial Scholarship & the Dorothy Schnell Williams Memorial Scholarship will be presented to four qualifying ministerial students.
Ronald E. Moore Scholarship
The Ronald E. Moore Scholarship (Approximately $1000) is awarded to an intercultural or ministerial student.