Application For College Admissions
Would you like to apply for admission to Union Bible College? You’ve come to the right place. Fill out the online application below to begin the admissions process.
Important Statements
Provided he/she meets the requirements for admissions, a person of any gender, color, ethnic origin, or disability may be admitted to UBC. We do, however, insist that the prospective student give evidence of being a genuine Christian whose life is in harmony with the Scriptures. Any student failing to maintain a consistent Christian life, including the expression of proper Christian attitudes, may be asked to discontinue attendance.
The primary educational requirement for admission to UBC is graduation from high school. This requirement may be met alternatively by achieving satisfactory scores on the General Educational Development Test (GED).
Application Deadlines
Fall Term – August 1
Spring Term – December 15
Application for Admissions
Here we go! But first, a few important notes:
This application Consists of several submission forms
The Application form needs to be submitted in order
Please fully answer each question
The required forms are below
(A reminder that a transcript from any previous high schools and/or colleges are to be mailed in to Union Bible College)
Please note: Fill out every form that is required, and be sure to hit apply on each form.
General Information
Enrollment Information
High School Information
International Students Only
All international students from non-English speaking countries must pass a TOEFL test. Students must pass with a score of 61 (internet-based) or higher to be considered for admission.
Due to the sometimes complicated procedures that must be followed to secure a student visa, students should apply no later than January 31st of the year they plan to enroll.
List of Colleges You Have Attended
Marital Status
Personal Information
Financial Information
All students are required to arrange for full payment at the time of registration. This may be in the form of a single payment at registration, or, in the form of installment payments as provided in our deferred payment option. Terms of the various payment plans are described below.
Students paying tuition/room/board for an entire semester during that semester’s registration will receive a 5% discount.
Any student whose parents are in full-time ministry is eligible for a 10% discount on tuition, room and board. Full-time pastors, evangelists, song evangelists, Christian educators, and missionaries are included in this category. To be eligible for this discount, the student or parent must submit two letters of recommendation, one of which shall be from the board of directors of their ministry.
These discounts do not apply to fees and book costs.If a payment plan is desired for tuition, room, and board, application must be made through the finance office. Weekly, bi-weekly or monthly payment plans are available and will be paid to the finance office. Weekly and bi-weekly plans are recommended.
Payments may be made by cash, check, or credit card (MC, Visa, or Discover).
Delinquent accounts may be assessed a $20.00 late fee.
List below the names, phone numbers, complete addresses, and email addresses of three persons who are not related to you and who have known you for at least one year.
The First Reference Must Be your pastor
Photo, Application Fee, And Signature
To see if your application is late, refer to the application deadlines at the top of the page.
Email your Photo to
*The photo does not need to be a professional photograph*
Life Style Agreement
If accepted as a student at Union Bible College, I promise to be subject to the rules of the school governing the education, social, and spiritual life of the student body. I agree not to teach any doctrine, personal belief or conviction, or special view or practice that is not in agreement with the accepted position of Union Bible College as approved by its Board of Directors; nor to press them upon my fellow students.
Hebrews 13:17 states, “Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves; for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief; for that is unprofitable for you.” In the light of this scripture, I will readily submit to those who are in a position of authority at Union Bible College, as long as I remain a student there.
Privacy Policy Agreement
This form collects your information so that our admissions department can process your application. Please check our Privacy Policy and our Catalog for more details on how we protect and manage your submitted information.